
Fission And Fusion Venn Diagram

Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission are different types of reactions that release energy due to the presence of loftier-powered atomic bonds between particles found within a nucleus. In fission, an atom is split into ii or more smaller, lighter atoms. Fusion, in contrast, occurs when ii or more smaller atoms fuse together, creating a larger, heavier atom.

Comparison nautical chart

Nuclear Fission versus Nuclear Fusion comparison nautical chart
Nuclear Fission Nuclear Fusion
Definition Fission is the splitting of a large atom into two or more smaller ones. Fusion is the fusing of two or more lighter atoms into a larger i.
Natural occurrence of the process Fission reaction does not normally occur in nature. Fusion occurs in stars, such as the sun.
Byproducts of the reaction Fission produces many highly radioactive particles. Few radioactive particles are produced by fusion reaction, merely if a fission "trigger" is used, radioactive particles volition result from that.
Conditions Disquisitional mass of the substance and high-speed neutrons are required. Loftier density, high temperature environment is required.
Free energy Requirement Takes little free energy to split ii atoms in a fission reaction. Extremely loftier energy is required to bring 2 or more than protons shut enough that nuclear forces overcome their electrostatic repulsion.
Energy Released The energy released by fission is a million times greater than that released in chemical reactions, but lower than the energy released by nuclear fusion. The energy released by fusion is three to four times greater than the energy released by fission.
Nuclear weapon Ane class of nuclear weapon is a fission bomb, also known as an atomic flop or cantlet bomb. One class of nuclear weapon is the hydrogen bomb, which uses a fission reaction to "trigger" a fusion reaction.
Energy production Fission is used in nuclear power plants. Fusion is an experimental applied science for producing power.
Fuel Uranium is the primary fuel used in power plants. Hydrogen isotopes (Deuterium and Tritium) are the chief fuel used in experimental fusion power plants.


Fusion of deuterium with tritium creating helium-4, freeing a neutron, and releasing 17.59 MeV of energy.


Fusion of deuterium with tritium creating helium-4, freeing a neutron, and releasing 17.59 MeV of energy.

Nuclear fusion is the reaction in which 2 or more than nuclei combine, forming a new element with a higher atomic number (more protons in the nucleus). The energy released in fusion is related to East = mc ii (Einstein's famous free energy-mass equation). On Earth, the virtually likely fusion reaction is Deuterium–Tritium reaction. Deuterium and Tritium are isotopes of hydrogen.

2 oneDeuterium + 3 i Tritium = 4 2He + 1 0 n + MeV

[Paradigm:Fission-Reaction.svg|thumb|none|Fission Reaction]]

Nuclear fission is the splitting of a massive nucleus into photons in the course of gamma rays, free neutrons, and other subatomic particles. In a typical nuclear reaction involving 235U and a neutron:

235 92U + n = 236 92U

followed by

236 92U = 144 56Ba + 89 36Kr + iiin + 177 MeV

Fission vs. Fusion Physics

Atoms are held together past two of the four fundamental forces of nature: the weak and stiff nuclear bonds. The total amount of free energy held within the bonds of atoms is chosen binding energy. The more binding free energy held within the bonds, the more stable the atom. Moreover, atoms effort to go more than stable by increasing their binding energy.

The nucleon of an iron atom is the near stable nucleon found in nature, and it neither fuses nor splits. This is why iron is at the tiptop of the bounden energy bend. For diminutive nuclei lighter than iron and nickel, energy tin can exist extracted past combining fe and nickel nuclei together through nuclear fusion. In contrast, for atomic nuclei heavier than iron or nickel, energy can be released by splitting the heavy nuclei through nuclear fission.

The notion of splitting the atom arose from New Zealand-built-in British physicist Ernest Rutherford'due south piece of work, which too led to the discovery of the proton.

Conditions for Fission and Fusion

Fission can merely occur in large isotopes that comprise more neutrons than protons in their nuclei, which leads to a slightly stable surround. Although scientists don't yet fully sympathise why this instability is so helpful for fission, the general theory is that the large number of protons create a potent repulsive forcefulness between them and that also few or too many neutrons create "gaps" that cause weakening of the nuclear bond, leading to decay (radiations). These big nucleii with more "gaps" can exist "dissever" by the affect of thermal neutrons, and so called "slow" neutrons.

Conditions must be right for a fission reaction to occur. For fission to be self-sustaining, the substance must reach disquisitional mass, the minimum corporeality of mass required; falling curt of critical mass limits reaction length to mere microseconds. If critical mass is reached too apace, meaning too many neutrons are released in nanoseconds, the reaction becomes purely explosive, and no powerful release of energy volition occur.

Nuclear reactors are by and large controlled fission systems that apply magnetic fields to comprise stray neutrons; this creates a roughly 1:1 ratio of neutron release, meaning one neutron emerges from the bear upon of one neutron. As this number volition vary in mathematical proportions, under what is known as Gaussian distribution, the magnetic field must be maintained for the reactor to office, and control rods must be used to ho-hum down or speed up neutron activity.

Fusion happens when two lighter elements are forced together by enormous energy (force per unit area and heat) until they fuse into another isotope and release energy. The energy needed to offset a fusion reaction is then large that information technology takes an atomic explosion to produce this reaction. Still, once fusion begins, it tin theoretically continue to produce energy every bit long as it is controlled and the basic fusing isotopes are supplied.

The most common class of fusion, which occurs in stars, is chosen "D-T fusion," referring to two hydrogen isotopes: deuterium and tritium. Deuterium has two neutrons and tritium has three, more than the one proton of hydrogen. This makes the fusion process easier as only the charge betwixt two protons needs to be overcome, because fusing the neutrons and the proton requires overcoming the natural repellent forcefulness of like-charged particles (protons have a positive accuse, compared to neutrons' lack of charge) and a temperature — for an instant — of close to 81 million degrees Fahrenheit for D-T fusion (45 million Kelvin or slightly less in Celsius). For comparing, the sun'southward core temperature is roughly 27 million F (15 million C).[ane]

One time this temperature is reached, the resulting fusion has to be independent long enough to generate plasma, one of the 4 states of matter. The event of such containment is a release of free energy from the D-T reaction, producing helium (a element of group 0, inert to every reaction) and spare neutrons than can "seed" hydrogen for more fusion reactions. At present, in that location are no secure ways to induce the initial fusion temperature or comprise the fusing reaction to achieve a steady plasma state, just efforts are ongoing.

A third type of reactor is called a breeder reactor. It works past using fission to create plutonium that tin can seed or serve every bit fuel for other reactors. Breeder reactors are used extensively in France, just are prohibitively expensive and crave significant security measures, as the output of these reactors can exist used for making nuclear weapons equally well.

Chain Reaction

Fission and fusion nuclear reactions are concatenation reactions, significant that 1 nuclear event causes at least 1 other nuclear reaction, and typically more. The result is an increasing bike of reactions that tin speedily become uncontrolled. This type of nuclear reaction can be multiple splits of heavy isotopes (due east.1000. 235 U) or the merging of low-cal isotopes (e.g. 2H and threeH).

Fission chain reactions happen when neutrons bombard unstable isotopes. This type of "bear on and besprinkle" process is hard to command, but the initial conditions are relatively uncomplicated to accomplish. A fusion concatenation reaction develops but under extreme pressure level and temperature weather that remain stable by the free energy released in the fusion process. Both the initial atmospheric condition and stabilizing fields are very difficult to deport out with current technology.

Energy Ratios

Fusion reactions release 3-4 times more energy than fission reactions. Although there are no Globe-based fusion systems, the sun's output is typical of fusion energy product in that information technology constantly converts hydrogen isotopes into helium, emitting spectra of low-cal and heat. Fission generates its energy by breaking down one nuclear force (the strong 1) and releasing tremendous amounts of heat than are used to heat water (in a reactor) to then generate energy (electricity). Fusion overcomes two nuclear forces (stiff and weak), and the energy released can be used directly to power a generator; so non just is more energy released, it can also be harnessed for more direct application.

Nuclear Energy utilisation

The first experimental nuclear reactor for energy product began operating in Chalk River, Ontario, in 1947. The first nuclear energy facility in the U.S., the Experimental Breeder Reactor-i, was launched before long thereafter, in 1951; it could low-cal 4 bulbs. Iii years later, in 1954, the U.S. launched its first nuclear submarine, the U.S.South. Nautilus, while the UsS.R. launched the world's first nuclear reactor for large-scale power generation, in Obninsk. The U.S. inaugurated its nuclear power production facility a year afterward, lighting up Arco, Idaho (popular. one,000).

The first commercial facility for energy production using nuclear reactors was the Calder Hall Plant, in Windscale (now Sellafield), Great U.k.. It was also the site of the commencement nuclear-related accident in 1957, when a burn bankrupt out due to radiation leaks.

The get-go large-scale U.South. nuclear found opened in Shippingport, Pennsylvania, in 1957. Betwixt 1956 and 1973, virtually 40 power production nuclear reactors were launched in the U.S., the largest being Unit One of the Zion Nuclear Power Station in Illinois, with a chapters of one,155 megawatts. No other reactors ordered since take come online, though others were launched subsequently 1973.

The French launched their first nuclear reactor, the Phénix, capable of producing 250 megawatts of power, in 1973. The near powerful energy-producing reactor in the U.S. (1,315 MW) opened in 1976, at Trojan Ability Found in Oregon. By 1977, the U.South. had 63 nuclear plants in operation, providing 3% of the nation's energy needs. Some other 70 were scheduled to come online by 1990.

Unit Two at 3 Mile Island suffered a partial meltdown, releasing inert gases (xenon and krypton) into the surroundings. The anti-nuclear movement gained strength from the fears the incident caused. Fears were fueled even more in 1986, when Unit 4 at the Chernobyl plant in Ukraine suffered a delinquent nuclear reaction that exploded the facility, spreading radioactive fabric throughout the surface area and a large role of Europe. During the 1990s, Germany and particularly French republic expanded their nuclear plants, focusing on smaller and thus more than controllable reactors. Mainland china launched its first 2 nuclear facilities in 2007, producing a total of one,866 MW.

Although nuclear energy ranks third behind coal and hydropower in global wattage produced, the button to close nuclear plants, coupled with the increasing costs to build and operate such facilities, has created a pull-dorsum on the employ of nuclear energy for power. French republic leads the globe in percentage of electricity produced by nuclear reactors, merely in Federal republic of germany, solar has overtaken nuclear as an energy producer.

The U.S. still has over 60 nuclear facilities in operation, just ballot initiatives and reactor ages accept closed plants in Oregon and Washington, while dozens more are targeted by protesters and environmental protection groups. At present, merely China appears to be expanding its number of nuclear plants, every bit it seeks to reduce its heavy dependence on coal (the major gene in its extremely high pollution rate) and seek an culling to importing oil.


The fright of nuclear free energy comes from its extremes, as both a weapon and ability source. Fission from a reactor creates waste product material that is inherently unsafe (see more beneath) and could be suitable for dirty bombs. Though several countries, such as Germany and French republic, take excellent track records with their nuclear facilities, other less positive examples, such equally those seen in Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima, have made many reluctant to accept nuclear energy, even though information technology is much safer than fossil fuel. Fusion reactors could i mean solar day be the affordable, plentiful energy source that is needed, merely only if the extreme conditions needed for creating fusion and managing it can be solved.

Nuclear Waste

The byproduct of fission is radioactive waste that takes thousands of years to lose its dangerous levels of radiations. This means that nuclear fission reactors must also take safeguards for this waste and its transport to uninhabited storage or dump sites. For more data on this, read almost the direction of radioactive waste.

Natural Occurrence

In nature, fusion occurs in stars, such as the dominicus. On Earth, nuclear fusion was first achieved in the creation of the hydrogen bomb. Fusion has too been used in different experimental devices, often with the hope of producing energy in a controlled mode.

On the other mitt, fission is a nuclear process that does not normally occur in nature, every bit information technology requires a large mass and an incident neutron. Yet, there have been examples of nuclear fission in natural reactors. This was discovered in 1972 when uranium deposits from an Oklo, Gabon, mine were found to take once sustained a natural fission reaction some two billion years ago.


In brief, if a fission reaction gets out of control, either it explodes or the reactor generating it melts down into a large pile of radioactive slag. Such explosions or meltdowns release tons of radioactive particles into the air and any neighboring surface (land or water), contaminating it every infinitesimal the reaction continues. In contrast, a fusion reaction that loses command (becomes unbalanced) slows downward and drops temperature until it stops. This is what happens to stars as they fire their hydrogen into helium and lose these elements over thousands of centuries of expulsion. Fusion produces little radioactive waste material. If there is any damage, it will happen to the immediate surround of the fusion reactor and piddling else.

It is far safer to use fusion to produce power, but fission is used because it takes less free energy to split 2 atoms than information technology does to fuse ii atoms. Besides, the technical challenges involved in controlling fusion reactions have not been overcome withal.

Utilise of Nuclear Weapons

All nuclear weapons require a nuclear fission reaction to work, but "pure" fission bombs, those that use a fission reaction alone, are known as atomic, or atom, bombs. Cantlet bombs were first tested in New Mexico in 1945, during the tiptop of Earth State of war II. In the same year, the U.s. used them as a weapon in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.

Since the atom bomb, nigh of the nuclear weapons that have been proposed and/or engineered accept enhanced fission reaction(s) in one fashion or another (e.g., run across boosted fission weapon, radiological bombs, and neutron bombs). Thermonuclear weaponry — a weapon that uses both fission and hydrogen-based fusion — is one of the better-known weapon advancements. Though the notion of a thermonuclear weapon was proposed as early as 1941, information technology was not until the early 1950s that the hydrogen bomb (H-bomb) was first tested. Unlike atom bombs, hydrogen bombs accept not been used in warfare, only tested (e.grand., see Tsar Bomba).

To date, no nuclear weapon makes use of nuclear fusion alone, though governmental defence programs accept put considerable inquiry into such a possibility.


Fission is a powerful form of energy production, but it comes with congenital-in inefficiencies. The nuclear fuel, commonly Uranium-235, is expensive to mine and purify. The fission reaction creates heat that is used to boil h2o for steam to turn a turbine that generates electricity. This transformation from heat energy to electrical energy is cumbersome and expensive. A 3rd source of inefficiency is that clean-upwardly and storage of radioactive waste is very expensive. Waste material is radioactive, requiring proper disposal, and security must be tight to ensure public safety.

For fusion to occur, the atoms must exist confined in the magnetic field and raised to a temperature of 100 one thousand thousand Kelvin or more than. This takes an enormous amount of energy to initiate fusion (atom bombs and lasers are thought to provide that "spark"), simply there's also the need to properly contain the plasma field for long-term energy production. Researchers are nonetheless trying to overcome these challenges because fusion a safer and more powerful free energy production arrangement than fission, meaning it would ultimately price less than fission.


  • Fission and Fusion - Brian Swarthout on YouTube
  • Nuclear History Timeline - Education Database Online
  • Nuclear Stability and Magic Numbers - UC Davis ChemWiki
  • Wikipedia: Nuclear fusion
  • Wikipedia: Nuclear fission

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